This message is from Guardian’s Disability Income Product Strategy Team.
Guardian has always carefully monitored the performance of their products and services to ensure they are market-competitive, consistent with their long-term view and prepare their customers for whatever life brings. This analysis sometimes results in minor adjustments to price and/or benefits, and they have done their best to be transparent with the field partners when such changes are necessary.
As a result of their recent review of the individual disability income dental market, Guardian introduced a plan to compete on a more neutral basis and align themselves with most carriers in the marketplace. To that end, all dental occupation with a 3D occupation class will have the following requirements:
- The Benefit Purchase Rider (BPR) is the only increase option available; the Future Increase Option (FIO) rider is no longer available.
- A Mental and/or Substance-Related Disorder Limitation is required on policies issued to 3D occupations, unlimited Mental and/or Substance-Related Disorder benefits are no longer be available.
- For ProVider Choice policies, the limitation is 24 months on Premier and Select package options, and 12 months/6 months (dependent upon issue state) for the Essential package option. The associated discount will apply.
- For ProVider Plus policies (California only): the mandatory 24-month Mental/Substance-Related Disorder Limitation will continue to be applied.
Important Information about Future Increase Option (FIO) Exercises
No Mental and/or Substance-Related Disorder limitation is applied to policies issued as a result of a Future Increase Option when exercised from a policy that did not have such a limitation.
California ONLY: Occupation Class Upgrades for Dental Specialists
As of 2/23/2019, Endodontists, Oral Surgeons, Orthodontists, Pediatric Dentists, Periodontists, and Prosthodontists are upgraded from an occupation class 3D to an occupation class of 4M in California only. Note: The new 3D occupation restrictions noted above do not apply to these occupations, however, the mandatory 24-month Mental/Substance-Related Disorder Limitation in California continues to apply.
New Rules Are Effective After Close of Business on February 22, 2019