Clock with Time to plan written inside it

Your Disability Security Plan | Dr. Disability Quotes

You hope it never happens, of course. But ignoring the possibility is hardly the answer. Does preparing for disability seem overwhelming? It’s not. The Council for Disability Awareness has created a simple, five step Financial Security Plan to give you a clearer understanding of your financial “big picture,” including: Your sources of income, monthly expenses[…]

Piggybank saving insurance money with an umbrella over it

Long-term Disability Insurance or Long Term Care Insurance

It’s easy to confuse long-term disability insurance with long-term care insurance. But who can blame you? These types of insurance sound much like synonyms or the work of a practical joker with a PhD in linguistics. Nonetheless, these two insurance plans serve very different purposes in helping you manage financial risks. Long-term Disability Insurance  Long-term[…]